Sunday, December 13, 2009

Life Happens

My nephew and niece-in-law brought a new life into this world on December 8th. She is darling and looks much the same as her big sister did upon arrival. There simply is nothing as wonderful as a new little person. Being able to see and touch a miracle is miraculous!

I remember when my children were babies. They were so lovely. The best smell ever to me is the smell of a baby fresh from the bath, so clean and soft. I used to do all sorts of crazy things just so I could hear them giggle. Baby giggles are the best!

Our daughter arrives home from college on Wednesday, and we cannot wait. Her cat is counting the days with a bit of help from us. I wrote 3 More Days! on a Post-it note and then took a picture of S'More holding the note with the cell phone camera and sent it to Stefanie. She says she now expects a count down from S'More so we will be repeating this process a few more times. The poor kitty may need counseling before all is said and done!

Still have a few more gifts to get, but we have completed all the shopping for our charitable giving and turned in all the goodies. It is the best part of the Christmas season for me.